The Value Builder Score gave us an understanding of the current state of our business. We realized there was much work to be done to improve the value of our company.
David & Noela Tscheinig Owners, All About Bakery Equipment
David & Noela Tscheinig
The Value Builder Score explained where I currently was with my business. It gave value to specific areas of my business and showed me where I needed to improve things.
–John Christian Williams CEO of JCW
John Christian Williams
Getting our Value Builder Score was the first time we were able to see a tangible number representing specific areas of the company.
Anna Woolliscroft CEO, Market Avenue Limited
Anna Woolliscroft
When I first got my Value Builder Score I understood that from an acquisition standpoint we had an uphill battle in convincing others to love us as much as we loved ourselves.
–Steve Henderson CEO, Henderson Data Solutions
Steve Henderson

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